Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cleaning Calendar!

If you know me, you know that I am not very organized. Not for a lack of trying, but if I don't have something physically written down, or in my phone, I will probably forget. I try to stay organized because of my busy schedule. Between my work schedule, my school schedule, household things, family engagements and Levi's therapy, it seems like there are just not enough hours in the day; and that's when I begin to feel overwhelmed. I feel overwhelmed a lot. So while wasting time when I should have been studying  browsing through Pinterest  I came across this little beauty.

It was like the Heaven's opened up and the Lord beamed his light onto my computer screen. This was just what I needed! A set schedule that I can easily follow and keep up by doing a little housework everyday. So I continued searching on Pinterest and came across an even better version that I decided to recreate myself!

I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up a light weight frame ($4.99 but sale price came out to about $2.50), some craft magnets ($2.99), 4 pieces of scrapbooking paper (44¢ each), and a can of spray paint (which was completely optional and the most expensive at $5.99).


After painting the frame and leaving it to dry, I began working on my calendar. I tried to put things in an order that makes sense and would worked for my husband and I. Mornings are crazy so I knew that putting a load of laundry to start in the morning like some of the calendars I saw would not work for us. So I kept it simple. Afternoons/ evenings is where the bulk of my cleaning gets done anyway, after work or after class, so I kept it that way. Making this calendar is all about trying to reduce feeling overwhelmed so I didn't want to pile up the calendar with a bunch of high expectations. Here is my calendar after a little customization. 

After the paint dried on my frame, I attached magnets to the back and printed my calendar on my pretty paper. Here is the finished product! 

 This has certainly helped me in my quest to become a more organized! Any additional tips you have would be greatly appreciated! Leave them below! Be sure to tag me and let me know if you try this for your home! On Instagram @LondynFabulousz and Facebook @Londyn Garcia

xo, Londyn.

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